Score Group Limited is committed to conducting our operations safely and without work-related injury. The company will adopt, as a minimum, the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 in pursuit of this policy.
1. It is the intention of Score Group Limited to ensure that:
a) We proactively seek to continually improve our Safety Management System by engaging teams and individuals at all levels, encouraging individual ownership and participation.
b) We consult with personnel effectively and openly through safety representatives and meetings.
c) All of our personnel immediately stop operations and reassess safety arrangements if any party intervenes due to safety concerns.
d) The hazards associated with our operations are identified and effective control measures implemented, using the hierarchy of controls, to reduce safety risks.
e) Our personnel, and others involved with our work activities, are provided with adequate information on hazards and control measures.
f) Safe systems of work are developed, communicated and implemented, and that personnel are provided with the training which allows them to work safely.
g) Facilities, plant and equipment are maintained in a safe condition and that the working environment is safe.
h) Responsibilities for safety are properly assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels of the organisation, providing the accountability and leadership required to operate safely.
i) That all legal and other applicable duties are identified and fulfilled.
j) Safety goals and objectives are set for the company, teams and individuals using measurable and achievable targets.
2. It shall be the duty of each individual company member to ensure that:
a) They commit to working safely and to actively intervene if they have concerns about the safety of any activity they witness.
b) They report all safety concerns and incidents.
c) They contribute to improvement by communicating with safety representatives and participating fully in risk assessment, development of safe system of work or any other such activities they are requested to support.